The Ultimate 7 Day Body Reboot
Cure Your Emotional Eating + Heal Your Relationship With Food For GOOD

Do you find yourself reaching for a pint (or half gallon!!) of ice cream when you’re feeling down? Do you mindlessly shove chocolate in your mouth when you are tired? Do you swing by the drive-through of a fast food restaurant after a stressful day at work? Do you find yourself mindlessly staring into your refrigerator or pantry when you are stressed, lonely, angry, bored, or exhausted? Do you "reward" yourself with food? Do you find yourself feeling guilty, ashamed, or frustrated after consuming large quantities of food?
Then this program is for you!

Announcing the release of: The Ultimate 7 Day Body Reboot: Cure Your Emotional Eating + Heal Your Relationship With Food For GOOD.

This is not a cleanse or a food-based program. This is an evidence based program that will help you to uncover the root of your overeating, binge eating, and emotional eating.

No matter how powerless you feel over food and your feelings, it is possible to make a positive change. You can find healthier ways to deal with your emotions, learn to eat mindfully instead of mindlessly, regain control of your weight, and finally put a stop to emotional eating!
You will receive:
•Access to a private Facebook group (so you can have daily support and accountability. This support is invaluable as you move through your journey).

•Daily modules, workbook exercises & journaling prompts (to help you create a shift in your thinking-that will change your thought patterns and behaviors)

•Live presentation every day (during which I will share tips, strategies, ideas, and more)

•Wrap up group call with Q & A session (during which you can ask any and all questions!!)

•Lifetime access to all materials via a password protected page. 

All for just $99!

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